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Get Paid Faster

With TAB Bank

With invoice factoring through TAB Bank, you can exchange your unpaid invoices and accounts receivable for immediate access to working capital. Get paid promptly and upfront, eliminating the stress of collections and delayed payments.

Please fill out the form to request more information and connect with one of our lending specialists.

Note: This form is not an application for credit and you will not be asked to provide any confidential business or personal information (EIN, SSN, etc.) at this point in the process. 

Say Hello to a Smarter Approach

For a small business to grow and thrive, you need to choose a reliable lender you can trust. Even better, with TAB Bank, you'll have a partner that knows the trucking industry—we've been specialists in transportation finance since 1998. TAB Bank has the experience and resources to help you access working capital for your growing or struggling business. We are a chartered commercial bank that offers competitive rates and quick service for fleets across the country. Most importantly, our straightforward invoice factoring services are tailored to fit your needs and are one of many financial solutions designed to support small businesses like yours.

Smarter Approach
Cash Flow to Grow

Cash Flow to Grow Your Business

With invoice factoring through TAB Bank, you gain access to working capital without the wait. This can help to fund your business and operations in multiple ways, such as:

  • Leasing or buying new equipment
  • Funding operating expenses
  • Paying taxes and payroll
  • Opening a new location
  • Covering cash flow gaps
  • Hiring new employees
  • Investing in marketing and advertising
  • Managing unexpected business expenses
SIMPLE: Our easy-to-use technology and dedicated relationship managers will make your invoice factoring experience intuitive and hassle-free.
RELIABLE: A partner you can trust—we have the resources and security of a bank, with the proven expertise of a commercial lender.
FAST: Automated and online processing ensures you can get access to the cash flow you need, anytime and anywhere.
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How Invoice Factoring Works

Invoice factoring leverages your unpaid invoices and business accounts receivable, meaning you have quicker and more reliable access to your money when it's most needed. It also allows you to offer more favorable payment terms to your clients, helping you earn and retain more business.

A Simple and Straightforward Process

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You issue an invoice to your customers, with 30, 60, or 90 day payment terms.

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TAB purchases the outstanding invoices as part of your factoring relationship, and pays you an advance—in as little as 24-hours from receipt and approval of each invoice.

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TAB holds the invoices until the due date and oversees collection of payments from your customers.

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TAB pays you the remaining balance due from the invoice, minus a small service fee.

More Than An Online Bank

TAB Bank is the lender you’ve been looking for. For nearly 25 years, hundreds of companies have used us to improve their internal operations and get paid faster – and you can too.

Ready to Get Paid Faster with TAB?